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The Annual Staffs Physical Examination


The company, Anhui Xina International Trading Co., ltd, organized an annual staffs physical examination for them to hold healthy body and high spirits, in the Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University on May 30, 2013.

The physical examination items, carefully selected by administrative Depart, were including not only Blut-Routine-Untersuchung, Blood Glucose, Liver Function Test, Urine Routine Test, Ultrasonic Examination, DR, ECG, and Gynecological Examination, but the cancer screening as well.

Company arranges free physical examination for all staffs every year so that everybody understands their own health for the preventive purposes of “Early Detection, Early diagnosis, Early Treatment”. At the same time, it also puts "people-oriented" concept into practice.Everybody learned not only many methods and knowledge of healthcare by the physical examination, but also felt more concern and love of company.